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This project is currently in a very early phase of development - things will break. Please do not store anything on this site that is not safe somewhere else. At this time, site stability and data permanency are not guaranteed.

This platform offers a captivating glimpse into the vastness of time, allowing you to observe and comprehend the intricate relationships between events throughout history. Think of it as a map of time, an educational resource, and a powerful tool to plan your life and expand your understanding.

Our mission is to provide users with a unique experience that unravels the chronology of events like never before. Data is displayed in a chronological format in time spans ranging from the age of the universe down to sub-seconds. This creates an interactive visual representation of historical, scientific, cultural, and personal milestones.

We draw inspiration from the "overview effect" experienced by astronauts in space, where they see the Earth from a distance and gain a newfound perspective on our planet and our existence. Similarly, this website offers a temporal version of this effect, allowing you to step back and observe the grand tapestry of time that unfolds before you.

As you immerse yourself in this mesmerizing experience, we hope you will find moments of reflection, inspiration, and even a renewed perspective on your own path. Allow the vastness of time to illuminate your present and inspire your future.

Planned Features:

  • Time calculators (time between, add/subtract, etc).
  • Calendar types (gregorian, astronomical, etc).
  • Mobile version of the site.
  • Many user interface fixes.
  • Markup for linking timelines in descriptions.
  • Sharing timeline specific URLS.
  • Paid account features:
    • Commercial use.
    • Live page updates.
    • Timeline collaboration.
    • API access.
  • If desired, you can contact the developer directly at with any comments and concerns or bugs. Thank you.

Site Disclaimer

UNDER CONSTRUCTION is PRE-APLHA and WILL break. See below for progress list.

  • User accounts. ✅
  • 1 second to ~1 trillion year time scale. ✅
  • Create, edit, remove, timelines. ✅
  • Create, edit, remove, events. ✅
  • Bookmark public timelines. ✅
  • Timeline dashboard. 🛠️
  • Dark mode. 🛠️
  • Timezones. 🖍️
  • Moble layout and styling/more screen sizes. 🖍️
  • Timeline as checklist option. 📅
  • Wiki-style markup links. 📅
  • Temporal calculator. 📅
  • Better accessiblility. 📅
  • Live push updates. 📅
  • API. 📅
  • Hook to 3rd party APIs. 📅

Done = ✅     In progress = 🛠️     In crayon = 🖍️     Future = 📅

Welcome to Before you proceed, please take a moment to read and understand the following disclaimer. By accessing or using this website, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined herein.

Privacy: We do not store any information that is not essential to the operation of this site. We store cookies for session data only. We do not share or sell any information to anyone else. Images uploaded to this site are resized and stored on AWS servers.

Accuracy of Information: We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any information displayed on this website. The content is provided for general informational purposes only and should not be relied upon for making decisions. Any reliance you place on such information is at your own risk.

User-Submitted Data: This website may allow users to submit data, such as comments, reviews, images, video, or other content. While we strive to maintain a safe and secure environment, we cannot guarantee the confidentiality, accuracy, appropriateness, or legality of user-submitted data. By using this website, you acknowledge that other users may have access to and view user-submitted data, and you understand that the owners of this site are not responsible for the content of such data. We encourage users to exercise caution and discretion when interacting with user-submitted content.

Loss of Data: This website provides functionality for users to upload and store data. However, we cannot guarantee the security, integrity, or preservation of uploaded data. It is your responsibility to maintain backup copies of any data you upload to this website. The owners of this site will not be held liable for any loss, corruption, or unauthorized access to uploaded data.

Offensive or Illegal Content: While we strive to maintain a positive and lawful environment, we cannot guarantee that all user-uploaded content will be free from offensive or illegal material. The owners of this site will not be held accountable for any offensive or illegal content uploaded by users. We encourage users to report any such content to us, and we will take appropriate action as deemed necessary.

By accessing or using this website, you agree that the owners, administrators, and developers of this site shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages, losses, or liabilities arising from your use of the website, its content, or any interactions with other users.

This disclaimer is subject to change without notice. We recommend reviewing this page periodically for any updates. If you do not agree with any part of this disclaimer, please refrain from using this website.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this disclaimer, please contact us at

Last updated: 2024 Feb 15th

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